

No Jab, No Play – No Pain

Learn how you can automate the steps to ensure you have up to date immunisation records for all enrolled children at your service. Support the No Jab, No Play requirements at your service.

Your website – awesome or irritating?

I recently had to order a basketball uniform for my son, from the club’s website, it was the most drawn out process. It struck me that as parents we expect better, easier, more efficient ways to get things done.

Empty seat, missed opportunity

The gap between actual occupancy and potential occupancy (based on waitlist applications) represents on avg. $80,000 per centre year in missed revenue opportunities.

EnrolNow Fact: monthly avg churn rate 8%

Understanding the pattern of churn at your centre and understanding how it compares to the industry average can provide interesting insights into the health of your centre. It also helps focus on the importance of a strong waitlist and ensuring you have good processes in place to manage those on the waitlist.

Mastering the occupancy game

A recent report by Colliers International states that in the childcare industry, occupancy rates average between 50%-70% (regional) and 80% (metro). Most centres need to be operating at 70% to be profitable.

Occupancy Tip: Flexibility

It is normal for families to have a requirement for care for a set number of days (eg. 3 days every week), but many have flexibility around choosing what days of care they require.

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