Exportable KIM Data – Working Smarter, Not Harder

The benefits of an up to date, single source of data are extensive. When the data is stored in a secure and sophisticated database such as EnrolNow One there are so many wins.

Most kindergartens and preschools in Victoria would agree that the annual KIM data entry tasks are amongst the most cumbersome service requirements. EnrolNow One streamline the entire process resulting in a simple download of a KIM formatted csv file.

EnrolNow ensures that all required KIM data are included as mandatory fields in the online enrolment form. Parent’s responses update the EnrolNow One database immediately, providing a single central date source for each service.

The confirmation of kindergarten program data and the kindergarten census data collection reports are set up for all EnrolNow One clients to access and download when required.

This is just one of the features offered in the EnrolNow One platform, ensuring a quick win for services. Working smarter, not harder allows services to access their funding with minimal effort.

To find out more about implementing a seamless solutions at your centre, visit enrolnow.com.au or call 1300 66 00 25